The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership (CTLL) provides campus-wide professional learning and development (PL&D) that aligns with College’s strategic plan.  The CTLL curriculum is also rooted in the College’s Core Values of excellence, teamwork, integrity, and diversity & inclusion.  The professional learning and development offered through the CTLL also helps to brand Atlanta Technical College as a “Learning Organization.”  The curriculum is divided into five pillars:  Teaching 101, Excellence in Service, Tech Tools, Cultural Sensitivity, and Leadership for Leaders.

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Five Pillars:

Teaching 101

The Teaching 101 series is designed for faculty and focuses on the basics of adult learning, learner-centered teaching strategies, and teaching methodology.

Excellence in Service

The Excellence in Service series is designed for staff and faculty to help redefine how we provide service for our internal and external customers by cultivating a culture of caring.

Tech Tools

The Tech Tools series provides technology skills that enhance productivity for all education professionals.

Cultural Sensitivity

The Cultural Sensitivity series provides courses that build cultural competence skills across all campus units.

Leadership for Leaders

The Leadership for Leaders series focuses on developing more emotionally intelligent leaders, more effective leaders, more culturally responsive leaders, and more self-reflective leaders.  This series is designed for employees who are already positioned in campus leadership roles.

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Atlanta Technical College Teaching, Learning, and Leadership

is in its fourth year. The conference is held annually in the fall and is open to USG, TCSG, and AUCC faculty and staff.  The conference is designed to showcase teaching, learning, and leadership practices.

Faculty and Staff Institute

had its inaugural debut in FY2024. The Institute is held twice annually in summer and fall.  The institute is a two-day learning workshop designed to enhance faculty and staff learning and innovation.

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Annual Leadership Retreat

had its inaugural debut in FY24 and is held every summer. The retreat brings the entire Campus Leadership Team together and focuses on strengthening leadership bonds and group dynamics.

The Rick Perkins Award for Excellence in Technical Instruction

honors the Technical College System of Georgia’s most outstanding instructors. The award has been an ongoing statewide event since 1991 and is designed to recognize technical college instructors who make significant contributions to technical education through innovation and leadership in their fields. The award competition begins early in the year. Technical colleges across Georgia identify their most talented instructors and nominate them for the award based on innovative instruction, educational achievement and college and community leadership. To become the state Rick Perkins Award winner, nominees go through three phases of selection: (1) at the college level through the Screening Committee; (2) at the regional level through the Selection Committee, and (3) at the state level competition.

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S. McCoy-Wilson

Sonya McCoy-Wilson

Dr. Sonya McCoy-Wilson is an Associate Vice President of Learning at Atlanta Technical College. Through the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership, Dr. McCoy-Wilson leads campus-wide professional learning and development for faculty, staff, and campus leaders.

"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

                                                                                     --Tao Te Ching