Student Life offers a world of opportunities. ATC has many wonderful opportunities to join Student Life. We encourage you to customize your college experience by taking advantage of the activities, student clubs and organizations, workshops, seminars, community outreach projects, professional conferences, wellness programming, and more. The Office of Student Life can also help you get connected to campus events, obtain a student ID card or locker, and more.
We encourage you to explore our page for all services we provide!
What students are saying about ATC Student Life

Office of Student Life
Atlanta Technical College - Main Campus Building C
1560 Metropolitan Parkway, SW
Atlanta, GA. 30310
Phone: 404-225-4402
As set forth in its student catalog, Atlanta Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sex, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, veteran status, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law). For further information regarding these laws (Title VI and IX) contact Mattie Goss, Director of Student Services, Academic and Student Affairs Division, Atlanta Technical College, Academic Building, C1111B, 404.225.4446. Email: To request reasonable accommodations upon enrollment (Section 504/ADA), contact Mattie Goss, Director of Student Services, Atlanta Technical College, Academic, and Student Affairs Division, Academic Building, C1111B, 404.225.4446. Email: Faculty and staff with questions about equity or reasonable accommodations should contact Human Resources, Cleveland Dennard Building, suite B-180A, Atlanta Technical College, 1560 Metropolitan Parkway, SW, Atlanta, GA 30310. 404.225.4446. Email: