Online Continuing Education
On-Demand and Online Continuing Education Courses
Atlanta Technical College offers a wide variety of self-paced and highly interactive online courses for your professional and personal development. Our courses are led by expert instructors, are affordable and convenient.
*Hundreds of courses offered through our online partners:
Ed2Go: https://www.ed2go.com/atlantatech/
U Got Class: http://yougotclass.org/index.cfm/Atlantatech
Career Step: www.partner.careerstep.com/atlantatech
JER Online: coursecatalog.com/atl
Free Professional Development Online Courses
In a continued effort to support our communities, business and industry, and individuals in this time of need, Atlanta Tech is offering FREE access to several self-paced, online soft-skill courses, covering a variety of topics that apply to any work environment. The courses include:
- Attention Management
- Business Etiquette
- Customer Service
- Emotional Intelligence
- Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
- Job Search Skills
- Telework and Telecommuting
- Ten Soft Skills You Need
- Time Management
- Workplace Diversity
To register and learn more about these courses visit: https://gvtc.tcsg.edu/econdev
*Prepare for industry certification.
Start anytime, with in-depth study materials.
Many courses can be completed in 6 months or less.
Self-paced online classes available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.