Atlanta Technical College (ATC) is an eligible provider for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program with the state of Georgia. The WIOA program at ATC provides additional funding to economically disadvantaged adults, at-risk youth, and dislocated workers seeking training to increase or enhance skill levels to gain employment.
WIOA funds are coordinated with Pell and HOPE. These funds can assist students with paying tuition, books, and required fees. WIOA can also purchase required material, tools and uniforms to complete an approved training program.
WIOA eligibility is based on income and each WIOA office will make that determination. Dislocated worker status is not income-based. However, this applicant must provide documentation to prove he/she has been laid off due to lack of work or reduction in the workforce.
Please note that persons seeking WIOA funding must also apply for admission to the college and are required to apply for Pell and HOPE.